Evidence for reducing cancer-specific mortality due to screening for breast cancer in Europe: A systematic review.N. Zielonke, A. Gini, E.E.L. Jansen, A. Anttila, N. Segnan, A. Ponti, H.J. de Koning, N.T. van Ravesteyn, E.A.M. Heijnsdijk, EU-TOPIA consortiumTijdschriftartikel
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The National Immunisation Programme in the Netherlands. Surveillance and developments in 2021-2022A.J.M. Pluijmaekers, H.E. de MelkerRapport
A nationwide study of the incidence and trends of first and multiple basal cell carcinomas in the Netherlands and prediction of future incidenceK. Schreuder, L. Hollestein, T.E.C. Nijsten, M. Wakkee, M.W.J. Louwman03/2022Tijdschriftartikel
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