Obesity and dyslipidemiaJelena Vekic, Aleksandra Zeljkovic, Aleksandra Stefanovic, Zorana Jelic-Ivanovic, Vesna Spasojevic-KalimanovskaTijdschriftartikel
Dementia in Europe Yearbook 2019; Estimating the prevalence of dementia in EuropeAlzheimer EuropeRapport
Associations between overweight and mental health problems among adolescents, and the mediating role of victimizationCornelia van Vuuren, Gusta Wachter, R. Veenstra, Judith Rijnhart, M.F. van der Wal, Mai Chinapaw, Vincent BuschTijdschriftartikel
Musculoskeletal pain in overweight and obese childrenS.M. Smith, B. Sumar, K.A. DixonTijdschriftartikel
Pediatric non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: an increasing public health issues. Berardis, E. SokalTijdschriftartikel
The Management of Obesity in People with Severe Mental Illness: An Unresolved ConundrumRichard HoltTijdschriftartikel
Obesity in autoimmune diseases: Not a passive bystanderMathilde Versini, Pierre-Yves Jeandel, Eric Rosenthal, Yehuda ShoenfeldTijdschriftartikel